Written By Iron Kingdom

His bitter cold soul fights for hate
As revenge calls him forth
When the blade strikes true it thrusts for more
You can see their souls consumed
Magic stirs at the hilt
Black sword glows again
Stormbringer shrieks its strange shrill song
Kinslayer cackles on
Stormbringer shrieks its strange shrill song
In the grip of nightmares
“Let us give this age cause to hate us”
Weapons of chaos are bound to law
Forged in the vanished realms of old
Thrilled to fight, keen to strike, tarnished and bedamned
With its twin it meets its destiny
Magic stirs at the hilt
Black sword glows again
Stormbringer shrieks its strange shrill song
Kinslayer cackles on
Stormbringer shrieks its strange shrill song
In the grip of nightmares
Stormbringer shrieks its strange shrill song
Kinslayer cackles on
Stormbringer shrieks its strange shrill song
In the grip of nightmares