Over the last few months we have been working hard preparing to release to you our new album. Well, tonight all that preparation will be put to use! I m not even sure I can describe how excited I am, how excited we all are, to share this with the world. One of my favourite parts of being a musician and playing in a band is the touring and touring in support of a new album is even better! To kick it all off we have assembled some of the best trad/ power metal bands this city has to offer because it’s not just one album we are releasing! Tonight come celebrate with us as we release both Ride For Glory and our limited print live vinyl Unleashed At the Kraken. There are only 500 copies so make sure you grab a copy now! Vancouverites come rock with us tonight, everyone else check back for updates, for tonight we Ride For Glory!!
Heres the latest Interview from Chris Osterman on the new album and tour!
Keep the Faith, Leighton Holmes (Bass Guitar)